Joseph R. Biden Jr., 46th President of the United States






2 Reviews on “Joseph R. Biden Jr., 46th President of the United States”

Very Good
2 reviews
  • Dear Heavenly Father.

    I lift up President Biden to you for your guiding and grace upon his life. I ask for protection for him and for his wife and children and grandchildren. I thank him for his many years of service to this country and pray for the rest of his presidency that he stays well and leads with righteousness according to your Devine direction. As he comes to the end of his presidency in a few months direct him in what you have for him to do next. If he doesn’t know you as his Lord and Savior I pray for his salvation.

    Thank you Lord for protecting President Biden and for your healing upon him

    In Jesus name

  • Heavenly Father,

    We come before You today with hearts full of reverence and gratitude for the life and service of President Joe Biden. We lift him up to You, asking for Your divine guidance and protection over him and his family—his wife, Jill, his children, Hunter, and Ashley, and his grandchildren. Surround them with Your love and peace in all that they face as they continue to grieve for the loss of Beau.

    Lord, we pray for President Biden’s personal salvation. If he doesn’t already, may he know You as Savior and King. May he seek Your truth and grace, drawing closer to You in his journey of faith. Strengthen him spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically as he carries the weight of leadership.

    Grant him wisdom beyond his abilities as he navigates the complexities of his role. May he discern right from wrong with clarity and integrity, upholding justice and compassion in every decision he makes. Help him to be a peacemaker, fostering unity and understanding both at home and abroad.

    As he engages in diplomacy, grant him the ability to listen with an open heart and lead with courage. May his actions reflect Your love and righteousness, contributing to healing and hope in our nation and around the world.

    We pray for President Biden’s health and strength, for Your peace to rest upon him, and for his leadership to be guided by Your wisdom.

    In Jesus’ holy name Amen.

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