






4 reviews
  • Ken Powers

    I have prayed for this situation once before and see that it needs constant reminder to all. When someone asks,”Could you please help.” Pray at that exact moment for whoever is asking and pray for yourself if you should get involved.” Jesus didn’t have to come down and give His life for us, but He did. Because He loved us that much. I get teary eyed when I think how less of a man I am compared to others who are doing great things in Christianity. Don’t go there. Jesus can use me and you in different ways and directions. Please lift your hands to Jesus and say,”Jesus, Father God please use me today as You see fit.” The Holy Spirit will guide your footsteps. I am praying this for myself right now. Be the evening you should have inner peace and be ready to take on tomorrow. When awake in the morning the first words out of your mouth should be,” Moday Anee Laufenah.” Meaning thank you God for a restful night and with You use me as You see fit.” God Bless your day Brothers and Sisters. Love Ken. Amen.

  • Ken Powers

    Father Almighty Sometimes we sit at home seeing something and wishing we could be part of that solution. We say if II was there this is what I could offer. So Lord I’m for those to step to the plate and be part of the solution. Get off the couch in front of some boring sitcom that you have idea what they’re talking about and VOLUNTEER! You can be the difference in someone’s life.! Check in with your church of prefrence and ask? It only takes a little effort. VOLUNTEERING is rewarding. It can only help you and whoever you are trying to help.

  • Lori Stevenson

    I am excited to be a part of this amazing service! Our leaders need prayer more now than ever before. Please pray and ask God to show you where you belong as a prayer warrior!

  • user Listing Owner

    This is an important cause. What a great way for PATRIOTS WHO PRAY to be involved in God’s service. Please pray about your role.

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