Cancellation Policy

Thank you for being with us.

Below is our policy for processing cancellations, as well as plan upgrades & downgrades. 

We are here to help. 

While we don’t want you to leave us, please know that it is as easy to leave as it was to join.

Below you will find: 

Please note, if there is anything that didn’t go well, and we can fix it, we would love to try. Our relationship with God and with you are our highest priorities, and we desire to handle all things respectfully & honorably.

We exist to be a blessing to you. There are no long term contracts with us. 

You may cancel your listing profiles, advertising, subscriptions, and/or membership at any time.

Considerations Regarding Loyalty & Seniority Credits: 

Loyalty & Seniority Credits are two parts of our perks & benefits program and are based upon the longevity of membership, listing, advertising, and/or subscription, which can offer significant value to our members. Before you process a cancellation, please ensure that you understand the impact. 

Please note that any loyalty or seniority benefits will be lost which may effect listing placements in search results, display advertising placement, pricing, priority perks, and special access if your items are reinstated in the future. In such cases, loyalty or seniority credits will begin to accumulate with the new start date. While a membership is required to maintain listing profiles, advertising, and/or subscriptions, you may continue a membership without them. Please note that maintaining a membership may not hold your loyalty or seniority credits regarding certain benefits, which may have significant value regarding listing search results and ad placements. If you anticipate reinstating your listing profile or advertising with us in the future, we recommend contacting us so we can help you understand exactly what to expect in your situation regarding loyalty & seniority credits. 

Cancellations will take effect at the end of your current billing cycle (whether month to month or year to year) and will not result in a refund for any fees already paid. Your listings profiles, advertising, subscriptions, and/or membership will remain active until the next renewal date, at which point your displayed items and/or access will end. You will be responsible to pay any unpaid balance, if applicable, until your billing cycle is complete. To cancel, please contact our support team with your request at We will reply within 72 hours to resolve any problems or process your cancellation as desired. For peace of mind, please make sure that you have a cancellation confirmation email from us. 

If there is anything we can do to help you, we would love to try. 

Upgrade / Downgrade Policy

Since we offer various plans, you can also choose to upgrade or downgrade your current plan at any time which will take effect at your renewal date. Downgrading may effect your loyalty & seniority benefits. We recommending reaching out to us at to make sure you understand exactly how downgrading will impact perks & placements. For those that need to upgrade mid-cycle, feel free to contact us at so we can help you.